- Professional Development Workshop for students .
- Softskill Training
- Placements - 2012.
- Summer Training
- Project Submmition
- Results this Summer
MITS School of Engineering
Janla, Bhubaneswar,
Odisha, India.
Janla, Bhubaneswar,
Odisha, India.
+ 91-9861170232
+ 91-7735737898
+ 91-6371471200
+ 91-7735737898
+ 91-6371471200
About MSE

The commitment is to transform the students into thoughtful leaders. The improved pedagogy combines fieldwork; case studies and instrumented feedback are few of the ingredients catalyzing the process. To enhance the intellectual capital further, faculty members present their thought process in faculty presentation program which helps the faculty members to develop interdisciplinary perspectives. The Institute also encourages the faculty members to publish research articles and attend seminars and conferences sponsored by AICTE. The intent is to combine intellectual curiosity and open mindedness towards the adventures culmination of ideas.